Monday, April 15, 2013

Million Dollar Technology Investment Expected to Reap Infinite iPAD Learning Opportunities

Using iPads in learning can dramatically improve student engagement and achievement. Our district uses these digital devices on a limited basis at some campuses because it has been cost-prohibitive to provide them everywhere. I’m excited to announce that a new program—Innovation Pursuit of Authentic Digital Solutions or IPADS for short—will add even more iPads to our elementary campuses and middle schools.

Our district has earmarked $1 million for our IPADS Project, aptly named because it will pay for iPads and related apps and equipment to operate them.

This spring, our campuses will be competing for IPADS Project grants. Teams of teachers and their principals will be asked to give a written proposal and face-to-face presentation on how they intend to infuse iPads into excellent teaching. It is our hope that these targeted awards will inspire other teachers to adopt innovative teaching strategies as well.

IPADS Project grants will be implemented in early fall of our 2013-14 school year. I’m looking forward to the infinite learning opportunities created for our students. It will also be rewarding to see how through this program our teachers raise the bar in creativity and collaboration.

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